Wednesday, July 28, 2004

My baby came down to Audiosports to look for me while I was practising. Thanks baby! =D Then after spinning for about two hours, we left. Guess either our tummies were rumbling loud, or 6 tracks continuously for 2 hours is insane. Kidding. Djs' don't get sick of music. They're MUSIC. Tried mixing Usher's 'Yeah' with Chingy's 'Right Thurr'. Sounded friggin' phat. Heh.. 2 more lessons to Advanced! Made a new friend down at the Academy. Name's Jo/e. Definitely 'Ang Moh' but speaks ching-lingo like noone's business. Hokkien included. What's this world coming to?! 'Ang Mohs' tryna' be chings and Asians tryna be 'Ang Mohs' ? Like wtf! Heh guess that's how the world spins eh? I can't be bothered. I'm in my own. Hmm... jaw still hurts. Not getting any better. Realised that I actually sustained a deeper and bigger cut under my lip. Hidden by the swell of my chin. Like fuckin' hurts? Let me sum up the whole of last week till today ; "Fuckin' confused. All's swell now. My brains all clear. I QUIT. Yea, Q-U-I-T. Nothing's gonna stop me now from my music and my life. Nuff said. Anyone wanna club? Call me."